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College Concerns: Covid-19

Navigating College in the Wake of COVID-19


College Concerns

Are you concerned about what your student will do for Fall 2020 and how your household will be able to pay for it? Chances are your student is concerned, too.

I created a new guide, College Concerns: A Quick Guide to Navigating Fall 2020 in the Wake of COVID-19, to answer five of the most common questions I have heard from the Class of 2020 and their families. In the guide, I share my thoughts on:

  • asking for additional financial aid

  • taking a gap semester or year

  • paying “face-to-face” tuition for online education

  • rethinking your student’s first choice; and

  • contributing less toward paying the cost of your student’s higher education.

The guide also includes a reference list of important questions and who to contact for answers and links to external resources to help your family make an informed decision.

Enter your email address below to download your free copy of College Concerns. I will keep you posted on my latest news and resources. If you have additional questions, please do share them with me as I am working to expand my online library of timely and useful information.